I've just finished up my new book, "Throw Out Fifty Things - Clear the Clutter, Find Your Life" that comes out in March. I think you're gonna love it. I take you through all the rooms in your house - from your attic to your garage - and even into your medicine chest to help you get rid of all the physical debris that's been weighing you down and holding you back. And then when you're good and warmed up, I take you into the far reaches of your mind so you can dump all that mental and emotional baggage you've been carrying around. (I call it "life plaque.") And boy, when you start tossing out stuff like old regrets, bad memories and limited views of yourself, you can really start moving forward.
Here's the thing: You can't grow if you don't let go. I'm not kidding. So get cracking now, will you? I'm mean you don't have to wait until March to start re-charging your engines. So go to www.throwoutfiftythings.com and find out how to get started. Like today. And let me know what you've throw out and how it feels. And believe me, it's gonna feel good.
I'll see ya.