Thursday, May 1, 2008

Today is the day to step forward...

Do you ever hear yourself say, "Well, let's just wait and see what happens?" Or, "I think I'll just wait til the dust settles - or at least until the other shoe drops?" We spend a lot of time waiting, don't we? Waiting for permission, waiting to be invited, waiting for the signal, waiting to be discovered.

Some of us are waiting for more data: graphs, pie charts, risk-analysis studies...or for the planets to be aligned. Then we'll step up, then we'll make our mark, then we'll move forward. And while we're waiting, our whole lives could just float on by.

So here's today's news: This isn't a movie you're watching called "Your Life" where you just kick back with a bag of popcorn to see what happens next. This is it. You're the writer, producer, director and star of this work of art. And you get to decide what happpens next - no one else. So today is the day to be bold, to step forward without waiting to be invited, with all flags flying, and say, "I'm here now. And nothing will ever be the same again."


Anonymous said...

Thank you for your insight, I really enjoyed your site and have read your column. I am the artistic director of an acting school in paris that is opening in new york in june called bilingua acting workshop. I am also a life coach myself. Have worked a lot with performers. Do you give individual coaching if so how can we get in touch with you? yours sincerely, Amy Werba

Gail Blanke said...

Amy, how wonderful to hear from you. Sounds like we have a lot in common! Congratulations on your acting school - would love to hear more about it. (I majored in acting at Yale Drama School a million years ago - and it's served me well.)Yes, I definitely do individual coaching and would love to chat with you. You can contact me at Glad you read my column in Real Simple! If you haven't already, check out as well. My best to you, Amy.....Gail

Mellama said...

Gail, I received your book Throw Out Fifty Things yesterday and was so inspired (and curious too) that I had to 'Google' you and I ended up here! It is a sad realization for me to read your words whether on your blog or in your book to realize that you are speaking the very words that I used to believe in! Somewhere along life's roller coaster ride, I lost that part of myself that now seems to resonate from your words. It is like a faint echo of a long lost memory of who I once was. I thank you for giving my inner voice back to me, for making me realize that I have been lost in the deepest jungle of self-doubt and most importantly, I thank you for being the vessel that pointed my compass 'due north' and lit the way! God Bless You!